To register a trademark in Switzerland, one must apply and register at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, this is the home of all Swiss trademarks, patents and other copyrighted company information.
The major law covering both intellectual property and other trademarks in Switzerland is what's called the Federal Act on the Protection of Trademarks and Geographical along with the Swiss Trademarks Regulation.
An important note to make is that Switzerland is not an EU member, so this means that Swiss
laws governing intellectual property rights are not implemented in the EU. Though, the EU and Swiss intellectual property rights feature similar laws and regulations to ensure trademarks are protected in both the EU and Switzerland.
In Switzerland, it is not required to register a trademark, though, for those who are intending to do so, it is highly recommended by the Swiss government. There is, however, a layer of protection added to unregistered trademarks set in place by the Paris Convention. For more information on this, please contact our consultants.