The majority of workers in Switzerland are under the Individual Contract of Employment contract, where the person who is employed is simply required to work for their employer in order for the employer or business to operate their services. This contract is able to last for a set amount of time, or for an undetermined timeline. This contract also requires employers to fund remuneration.
One of Switzerland's other popular working contracts is the
Normal Contract of Employment. This contract features a terms and conditions component which highlights an adherence for the employee to recognise the termination of the contract. This type of contract is regulated by the
Swiss Federal Government of the Cantonal Authorities of which are in control of enforcing whichever terms and conditions are found in the contract.
A contract in which the employer or business is in control of the terms of the contract, rather than the Cantonal Authorities, is the
Collective Labour Agreement. This agreement is developed by the hiring party who are also in control of the terms and clauses within the contract and, on top of this, are also the body in charge of termination of the contract.
If you have a business or are planning on hiring in Switzerland, we suggest you speak with one of our business consultants in Switzerland for more information on Employment
Laws as well as the required legal bodies which are to be reported to prior to hiring employees.