When establishing a business in Switzerland which is intended to operate in the Swiss real estate market, it is required to follow establishment or incorporation rules. This requires the investors or founders to determine which business type their new company will follow, which is normally a Swiss limited liability company, or GmbH. This business formation type will be solidified once it is drafted into the company's statutory documents. These documents depend on the business form, but in the case of a GmbH, they are the memorandum and the articles of association, and both must be drafted and notarised with a
Swiss public notary present.
On top of business formations, documents and lodgement for registration, an investor is also required to contact a Swiss bank and
open an account for the company and also deposit the required capital amount in order for business operations to begin as well as registration.
To begin incorporation and registration of a Swiss real estate agency, it is required to be formally registered at the Swiss Commercial Registry. This will require documentation to be lodged as well as other information. Following this registration lodgement, taxation and VAT registration is required. Our consultants are available to assist with this process and to determine which documents are needed and when.