In this article, we will focus on why Switzerland is the most optimal location to start a cryptocurrency exchange. As an investor or entrepreneur, when you factor in the business environment in the country, the low tax rates and the
laws and regulations around crypto it shows that launching a crypto exchange in Switzerland is by far the best business opportunity.
In a number of countries, it's impossible to even begin operation of a crypto exchange without a myriad of authorisations, which also include banking licenses as well as major corporate and governmental regulation and monitoring. But in Switzerland, the majority of these issues go away thanks to the pro-fintech attitude the country has.
A few countries besides Switzerland have arisen as competition for crypto exchanges. One of these competitors is Estonia, with its low cost and the e-residency program which was developed to allow citizens in tech to move to the country a lot more seamlessly. There is one major issue, however, in Estonia local banks won't
open accounts for foreigners – effectively making it impossible to launch unless you're a citizen or born in Estonia.
For more information on Swiss cryptocurrency exchanges or developing a virtual currency in the country, feel free to reach out to us.